Wonderfunk is an interactive blog focusing on dialogs related to gadgets, tech, web 2.0, music, design, art, my life and likes, how-to's, MAKE culture, instructables, and just general cool link aggregation and commentary.

02 August 2006

Why could I not find this invention when my son was born?

These little doodads... Lullabub ...are remote controlled and rock the entire crib gently in 4 user selected motions (simulation of a car ride, boat, womb, or mothers heartbeat) which if you are not a parent, there is this amazing correlation to car rides and the immediate soothing of children. Basically baby wakes up and is not hungry or requiring a change, hit the button and they are rocked back to sleep.....genius. Anyone know if it actually works? If so please comment.

What I am listening to: Slightly Stoopid - Babylon is Falling from Closer to the Sun

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