Wonderfunk is an interactive blog focusing on dialogs related to gadgets, tech, web 2.0, music, design, art, my life and likes, how-to's, MAKE culture, instructables, and just general cool link aggregation and commentary.

27 February 2007

String Theory in Two Minutes or Less

What a great contest.

microdose if you are reading I think this contest is tailor made for you.

Discover Magazine has a brilliant contest challenging people to video tape themselves explaining string theory in 2 minutes or less, using what ever props they would like. Better hurry deadline is March 16th.

I am listening to: Presidents of the United States of America

digg this del.icio.us


Mr. Rodos said...

I'm going to try it. I just need a set of 30 wt. ball bearings and some sort of teleportation device.

Dennis said...

30 wt. ball bearings
Teleportation Device

Can't wait to see your work ;)